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A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

A Proper Desk for an Architect

Why architecture competitions are a great idea dur

Why architecture competitions are a great idea dur
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Why architecture competitions are a great idea dur


Depending on your situation, it’s likely that the amount of available work has reduced significantly. If you’re a freelancer, contractor, or a student, then work might have stopped altogether. Going from an active and challenging working or studying environment to sitting at home watching Netflix is going to be a shock to the system. Keeping yourself challenged and motivated during this time is important, and starting a new project like this could be just what you need to distract you from the constant news updates about coronavirus.



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